Should Diabetics add Protein Powder to their Regular Diet?

Protinex India
3 min readJan 23, 2023


Protein powder is vital to gain muscles, reduce weight, and also control the way your body appears. However, there is a notion that diabetic patients cannot have protein powders, as they can increase their insulin levels. Therefore, diabetic people often stay away from protein powders.

However, the truth is that protein in sufficient quantity is vital to ensure your body gets enough building blocks for muscle repair and growth. Moreover, it keeps you feeling less hungry without craving fats and excessive carbs.

Is Protein Good for People With Diabetes?

Yes, protein powder for diabetics is good as per various studies that show how a high-protein diet may manage blood sugar levels.

Having protein in the right amount can stimulate insulin, promotes gut hormones (incretins) to reduce blood glucose levels, and decreases stomach emptying. The best time to take protein powder to see the best outcomes with diabetes is before your meal time.

Type of Protein Powder Suitable For Diabetic Patients

Protein powder is available in various categories and distinct brands add several ingredients to your protein powder, such as fat, added carbs, and sugar. Therefore, it is vital to choose the best protein powder for diabetics.

For instance, Protinex Diabetes Care is one of the best products for diabetic people. It comes enriched with high protein and high fibre and also manages one’s blood sugar levels. As a result, it offers strength and nutrition to individuals.

Since Protinex is fortified with the appropriate amount of minerals, carbohydrates, zero trans fats, and vitamins, it’s easy on your system. It is also easy to digest and absorb due to the presence of hydrolyzed protein.

Protein and Blood Sugar

Protein is an essential macronutrient to control blood sugar levels. It helps prevent after-meal sugar spikes while keeping you fuller for a longer duration. It further helps avoid overeating and prevent excess fat accumulation.

According to a study, having excess fatty fish like salmon and sardines can improve blood sugar levels after a meal. Hence, the protein is likely to have a good effect on maintaining blood sugar levels in diabetic patients too.

How Does Protein Break Down?

At the time of digestion, protein begins to break down in the form of amino acids via a hydrolysis process. When the system absorbs amino acids, these are further released into one’s bloodstream and after that pass onto the tissues and organs.

There, the amino acids help in repairing damaged tissues and building muscles while again assembling into protein through condensation polymerization.

Daily Protein Requirement according to One’s Age

The general recommended protein requirement for an adult man or woman is 0.8 g per kg of body weight per day. Nonetheless, it is a minimal level because the exact requirement for a specific person depends on their:

  • Overall health
  • Age
  • Muscle mass
  • Sex
  • Activity levels
  • Fitness goals
  • Conditions like breastfeeding or pregnancy


Due to the significance of protein in maintaining optimum blood sugar levels, people with diabetes have started consuming protein powders and high-quality protein. However, it’s recommended to choose the best protein powder for diabetic patients after consultation with a physician or nutritionist.

For instance, Protinex Diabetic Care is a specially-formulated protein powder for people with diabetes. But do consult your doctor before including it in your everyday diet.

Also, Visit here: How Protinex Works: Its Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects?



Protinex India
Protinex India

Written by Protinex India

Serving nutrition for more than 60 years, Protinex is considered to be the reason behind millions of health smiles.

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